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Panel Survey Overview

Survey Background and Purpose

Since 2006, average of 60,000 youth is dropping out of school due to reasons including personal, family, school, etc. While the number of youth dropout is increasing, data on youth dropout are extremely scarce. In addition, the existing survey related to youth who dropped out is one-time cross-sectional survey, which focuses on identifying the conditions of youth who dropped out of school. They are still struggling with social prejudice and lack of support for employment independence. In order for youth outside the boundaries of formal education to receive appropriate education and protection, it is necessary not only to understand the current conditions of school dropout, but also to analyze the path they take in more detailed fashion.

Research Purpose

  • First, observe life and experience of students after dropping out of the school, changes in value and recognition, and collect cross-sectional data to understand the path after dropping out of the school.
  • Second, based on experience after dropping out of the school, seek types and typical distribution of youth dropping out of school in the future, and factors related to their social adaptation and maladaptation.
  • Third, derive customized support method per youth dropping out of school, based on types and path of youth dropping out of the school.

Panel Establishing

Establishing general dropout youth panel

  • Prioritize establishing panel using personal lists provided by schools, etc.
    • : Targets youth with experience of dropping out of general middle school, general/special-purpose high school since July of 2012 (including students resuming school education during the period)
  • For insufficient panels, panels are recruited through vocational training institutions, alternative educational institutions, GED institute, counseling and welfare centers, snow bowling, web promotion, etc.
    • : Targets youth with experience of dropping out of regular middle and high school, and youth in middle and high school grades (born between Mach 1995 and February 2001)
  • Additional individual lists are collected through the school (secondary)to prevent over-sampling of respondents from certain institutions and to secure the maximum personal list.
    • : Collect the list by September 30, 2013, including youth dropping out of school in the second semester of 2013

Panel Establishing Result

After panel establishing, 776 panels of youth dropping out of school have been confirmed, and gender and age distribution of the survey standard in year 1 are as follows in <Table 1>

<Table 1> Gender and age distribution of panel

Information table for Classification, Cases (indivative), and Percentage (%) according to Gender and age distribution of panels.
Classification Cases (individual) Percentage (%)
Gender Male 444 57.2
Female 332 42.8
Age Middle school age 76 9.8
High school age 685 88.3
More than school age 15 1.9
Total 776 100.0

Survey Method

For the survey of year 1, individual list subjects were conducted in 1:1 individual interview survey method, and in the case of institutional contact, 1:1 individual interview survey, a group interview, and self-administered survey were conducted simultaneously. In the case of surveys excluding the 1st year survey, the panel establishment phase, 1:1 individual interview by a professional surveyor is used in principle.

1:1 individual survey method procedure

  • Advance contact phase
    • By contacting the survey subject or acquaintance of the subjects (family member, relatives, friends, guardian, etc.) individually through the contact list, survey participation has been confirmed. In the event of absence due to military service, study abroad, etc. during the survey period, survey participation time and availability have been confirmed.
  • 1:1 Individual interview survey phase
    • A professional surveyor and a survey subject met personally and conducted 1:1 individual interview using a structured questionnaire. The professional surveyor fully familiar with the questionnaire, such as the composition and contents of the questionnaire, records the responses of the respondents in the questionnaire, and checks and supplements non-response/disagreement between responses in the field.

<Image 1>1:1 Interview Survey Flow Chart

Advance Contact - Panelist , Survey Announcement SMS transmission , Contact by Phone, Contact Failure, Contact Success(Decline to participate in survey(Persuade to participate in survey), Agree to participate in survey), Main Survey - 1:1 Interview Survey(Non-Response / Decline to participate in survey / Successful Survey(Re-contact / Persuade to participate in survey), Successful Survey), Data verification and process